
class OperationBlocker:

Represents a barrier preventing a resource from being eligible for Sedai operation.

factor: str

Factor preventing the resource from being operation-friendly.

suggested_actions: List[str]

Suggested solutions to resolve the barrier.

active: bool

Whether the barrier is active.

class OperationCompatibility:

The compatibility of a resource for Sedai operation. Certain barriers may prevent the resource from being eligible for Sedai operation. Resolve barriers to make resources operation-friendly.

resource_id: str

The Sedai id of the resource.

resource_name: str

Name of the resource.

is_compatible: bool

Whether the resource is eligible for Sedai action.

availability_mode: str

The availability mode of the resource.

optimization_mode: str

The optimization mode of the resource.

num_blockers: int

Number of barriers potentially preventing the resource from being eligible for Sedai operation.

num_positive_factors: int

Number of factors that make the resource eligible for Sedai operation.

positive_factors: Optional[List[str]]

Factors that make the resource eligible for Sedai operation.

blockers: Optional[List[OperationBlocker]]

Barriers potentially preventing the resource from being eligible for Sedai operation.

def get_operation_compatibility( optimization_modes: Optional[List[str]] = None, availability_modes: Optional[List[str]] = None, is_compatible: Optional[bool] = False, include_factors: Optional[bool] = False, pagination_config: Optional[sedai.pagination.PaginationConfig] = None) -> sedai.pagination.PageIterator[OperationCompatibility]:

Get the eligibility status for resources to be operated on by Sedai, including any barriers preventing operation. Returns the operation compatibility for resources, and the number of positive and negative factors that determine the eligibility of the resource for Sedai operation. Optionally include details about these factors, and suggested actions to resolve barriers by passing include_factors=True.

  • optimization_modes: Optional list of optimization modes. Possible values are
    • DATA_PILOT: Sedai will not optimize the resource.
    • CO_PILOT: Sedai will give recommendations for the optimization of the resource, but the user has to manually apply the recommendations.
    • AUTO: Sedai will attempt to autonomously optimize the resource.

If None, all optimization modes are retrieved.

  • availability_modes: Optional list of availability modes. Possible values are
    • DATA_PILOT: Sedai will not optimize the resource.
    • CO_PILOT: Sedai will give recommendations for the optimization of the resource, but the user has to manually apply the recommendations.
    • AUTO: Sedai will attempt to autonomously optimize the resource.

If None, all availability modes are retrieved.

  • is_compatible: Retrieve resources that are eligible for Sedai operation by passing True. By default, only retrieves resources that are ineligible.
  • include_factors: Include details about factors that make the resource eligible or ineligible for Sedai operation. Default is False. If True, the 'positiveFactors' and 'blockers' fields will be populated with details.
  • pagination_config: Optional pagination configuration. By default, uses the default pagination configuration- sedai.pagination.DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CONFIG.

A sedai.pagination.PageIterator of OperationCompatibility objects representing the eligibility status of each resource.