
General Conventions

  • Data returned by get calls is returned as objects of SimpleNameSpace. These objects can be accessed with the dot notation. For eg: account.account_id returns the account id of the account object.

  • If the response is a list, the list is returned as a list of objects of SimpleNameSpace.

  • Data returned by get calls can be converted to a dictionary using the to_dict() method from the models module.
# returns a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents an account.
  • Data returned by get calls can be converted to a JSON string using the to_json() method from the models module.

Getting Started

Assuming your base instance url is, go to and generate an API key. You will use this API key to initialize the SDK.

Create a virtual environment and install the SDK using pip:

pip install

Create a file called .env in the root of your project and add the following lines:

SEDAI_API_TOKEN=<your api key>

Create a file called with the following code:

from sedai import account, models

account = account.get_all_accounts()
print(models.to_json(account, indent=4))